Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Monday, July 02, 2007


According to a terribly scientific quiz at the political compass (thanks, Pav), I'm further to the left on economic issues than Marx and than Ghandi on social issues .

Gotta stop reading that pinko-bleeding heart-black armband Sydney Morning Herald if I want to hold my head up on the Lower North Shore.

Mind you, if I did stop reading it, I wouldn't have come across this oddity from a bestelling Russian-American author Gary Shteyngart on being told that his publishers had rushed to print an additional 200,000 copies of his book Absurdistan after a favourable review in the New York Times Book Review:

"Who are these people? They must be incredibly rich to have time to just sit around and read."

Maybe they'd need to be incredibly rich to pay full price for hardcovers...



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