Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Doctors do care

I was much relieved by this in the SMH today where doctors are claiming new legislation preventing the storage of prisoners' reproductive material was dscriminatory. It says:

Storing sperm or embryos was a standard procedure offered to anybody undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which are known to affect fertility, said Tony Eyers, a colo-rectal surgeon at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

"By taking this decision you are saying that people who have committed these crimes should not be allowed to reproduce. You could say that it smacks a little of eugenics.

"These people have been sentenced to a long period in jail but they have not been sentenced to never being parents," said Dr Eyers, who is also chairman of the clinical ethics committee at Sydney South West Area Health Service.

Nothing will happen but at least I'm not alone.


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