Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Laziness or working to change the things you can?

My Beloved has been saddened today to learn that Channel 10 has copied the antics of Channel 9 and stopped showing Battlestar Galactica halfway through the current season. They won't put it on again until next year.

He found a website encouraging people to protest to the station. I told him not to bother because years ago I rang a commercial station to complain about them not showing a scheduled soccer match until THREE HOURS after the advertised time. A receptionist assured me the program manager would call me back. I'm still waiting.

At least SBS tells you they're not going to change their minds and why!

He has now bought the show on DVD.

I have a colleague who went down to Martin Place to stand up and be counted for poverty last week. Or she would have if the protest had been a bit better organised and had started when it was meant to so she didn't have to come back here before the they got their act together. She regularly circulates petitions and cuts interesting things out of the paper for me about global warming, religious intolerance, the war in Iraq and the crisis in water management. I smile and nod but I'm ashamed to admit to her that I think the only things I feel capable of changing through direct action are non-commercial television schedules.


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