Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Absolutely, positively the last thing I'll say about the most boring election ever

So last night my Beloved and I sat down to watch The West Wing episodes that had been broadcast on Saturday night. We'd planned ahead enough to realise that the ABC was making the unusual choice of showing three hours of election coverage and THEN two thirds of its usual Saturday night programming. The Bill wasn't on but they did show part 112 of this strange documentary where a man is travelling round the world complaining about the locals making it hard for him to see their national treasures and when he does see them he gushes in an unwatchably embarrassing fashion.

I don't know if this means that New South Wales will be behind the rest of the country in the Sun Hill soap opera but worse things may have happened in the world.

According to the program guide, The West Wing was meant to start at 11:15. We set the recorder with half an hour of padding at the end just in case something went wrong.

And last night we discovered that we'd missed the last ten minutes - just when Alan Alda had a choice between giving Jimmy Smits back the briefcase containing possibly incendiary information or using it to blackmail his way into the White House. Thanks ABC. Almost as bad as something Channel Nine would do.

I simply cannot believe that there was THAT much to say about the election that they had to go forty minutes over time when it seemed to be all over by 7:01. Or the previous week.

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