Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Trouble with Harry

This is some sort of record for me:

Time elapsed from aquiring (borrowed) copy of Harry Potter #7 to starting to read: 18 hours

Previous performance (for HP #6) (approximate only): 30 minutes

Time elapsed from starting to read to finishing HP#7: 43 hours 36 minutes
HP#6: less than 24

What I was doing instead while trying to read Harry Potter #7 in order of relative frequency:
1. Feeding the baby
2. Changing the baby's nappies and clothes
3. Playing with the baby
4. Persuading the baby she'd like to go to sleep
4. Washing the baby
5. Sleeping
6. Talking to grownups
7. Watching telly
8. Cooking
9. Washing clothes
10. Washing myself
11. Shopping (for food!)
12. Exercising

Number of these I didn't have to do while reading HP #6:
1-5 (well obviously), probably 9, maybe 8 and, in all probability, 12. I may have skimped a bit on 5 and 7 last time round too.

And I was pretending that motherhood hadn't changed my priorities!

Oh almost forgot: time spent treating the internet with extreme caution to avoid spoilers: 8 days.

Conversations ended with hands on ears and loud humming to avoid hearing spoilers: 3

Number of spoilers encountered (in a newspaper! with no warning!!): 1

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Blogger genevieve said...

Mary, one sage word of advice. Feed and read. (Meant very kindly. I read The Fortunes of Richard Mahony whilst feeding child 1. I read books to toddlers while feeding subsequent offspring though. Not nearly as much fun.)

9:54 pm  

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