Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sorry Jennifer

I realised this morning that I had completely forgotten to watch Jennifer Byrne in The First Tuesday Book Club on Tuesday. Completely and utterly forgotten. And she was going to talk about Longitude by Dava Sobel, the book that turned me onto books about the history of science so I finally learnt that good books don't need to be in the fiction section. Bother, darn and blast!

I blame television programmers for not putting anything on I want to watch during prime time so we always go out on Tuesday nights.

And I blame cinema owners for cheap nights on Tuesdays which probably causes the television programmers to assume their target demographics are out.

And I blame the ABC for not having enough promos for the show this month because I don't think I saw them. (I could probably blame the ABC for not having much on that I wanted to watch so I couldn't see the few promos I did see but I know I watched ALL of the exceptionally tedious Bleak House and the delightful Dr Who and their three good shows of the week on Wednesday nights and even The Chaser one week.)

Anyway next month, they're doing the first book by Martin Amis called The Rachel Papers. It's probably one of about three books of his I haven't read. I think his earlier stuff like Strawberry Fields was pretty nasty but the Rachel book might be from before he met Will Self and was just a nice well brought up young man. Maybe? Maybe I'll find out.


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