I'm not going to talk about how the Socceroos woz robbed because I don't think they were and I don't want the lovely Lucas Neill to fell any worse than he already does, the poor pet.
I think we played well but the Italians were simply better. The refereeing sucked but that's not for the first time in this tournament. It was better than when we played against Brazil and I'm not just saying that because I was surrounded by 15000 screaming Australians during that game.
What is strange is that I'm still in that slightly twilit jetlagged state where things aren't quite real. For instance it seems VERY HARD TO BELIEVE that that Johnny Howard is interested in soccer. Everyone loves a winner I guess.
While I was away I only read the international press and feel badly out of the loop on Australian local news. You might be pleased to know that Our Nic's wedding made the International Herald Tribune and Macquarie Bank was in the Financial Times.
I think we played well but the Italians were simply better. The refereeing sucked but that's not for the first time in this tournament. It was better than when we played against Brazil and I'm not just saying that because I was surrounded by 15000 screaming Australians during that game.
What is strange is that I'm still in that slightly twilit jetlagged state where things aren't quite real. For instance it seems VERY HARD TO BELIEVE that that Johnny Howard is interested in soccer. Everyone loves a winner I guess.
While I was away I only read the international press and feel badly out of the loop on Australian local news. You might be pleased to know that Our Nic's wedding made the International Herald Tribune and Macquarie Bank was in the Financial Times.