Location: Sydney, Australia

I used to blog about books - until I got the complete Stargate boxed set.

Monday, July 03, 2006


I've been back for over a week now although it doesn't feel that long seeing we've still been watching every soccer game that's happening in Germany. I'm probably still too jetlagged to be here.

Germany has many beautiful bookshops. One on every street corner practically. Strangely enough, they are full of books written in German. The nerve of those foreingers!

I finished the book I brought on the plane over and I was reading my Beloved's book over his shoulder but it was dull. After a couple of days I started to have severe written word withdrawal. I compensated by buying every english language newspaper I found for exorbitant sums. I saved all the magazine and supplementy bits because I didn't want to think what might happen if I had to spend 24 hours on a plane without anything to read.

But then, on the very last day, we found a bookshop in Frankfurt with actual books written in English that weren't all by Dan Brown. Hurrah! And I bought Earth Wind Air and Custard by Tom Holt.

He is apparently a cross between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. He talks about magic and goblins and changes in the space time continuum and custard. There's an awful lot of silliness but sadly, I didn't think it quite worked. The plot clunked along through about five twists too many. The protagonist kept being told he was a dill. (How amusing.) The jokes which weren't particularly funny were signalled so far in advance they might as well have had big red neon signs. Or maybe I felt this way because of the lack of oxygen in the plane and my overload of soccer... To be fair, I'll get a second opinion.


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